Friday, January 25, 2013

Linds and Mal Visit for Inauguration Weekend

This weekend Lindsey and Mallory visited. It was inauguration, which is the most DC thing I've ever done besides straighten my hair.

Here's what we did.

1. Went to hear Mallory's cousin's band play.

(Obviously I wore my cool new shoes.)

2. Had a LOT of fun wearing Mallory's glasses.


4. Wondered how we could have forgotten about this photo.

5. Got really excited about inauguration. 

6. Helped me get ready for my very first military ball WHAT? Yes!

7. Misc. Friendship/giggles.

1 comment:

  1. SUPA LIKE! Except the iphone picture. And that I missed all of the other-people-in-my-glasses fun
