Saturday, February 16, 2013

Shooting at Old Glory

I love taking pictures at Old Glory.
Old Glory is a bar in Georgetown that for some reason we always end up going to post-work. One time I went there with non-GORUCK friends and wondered how they knew about it. Oh right, because everyone knows about it.

The lighting there is great, not to be annoying and talk about lighting. Because mostly what's great about it is the people and the fun. (I think there is an inverse relationship between how technically good the photo has to be and how good the subject matter is. Meaning the better the subject, the less the photo needs to be what any real photographer would call "good.")

It's good for portraits/onesies.

(Jason, I used the flash. Sorry. I forget why, but it doesn't matter because there is no good reason.)

(I really like when people look to their left, apparently.)

It's good for showing how much Carlos loves dancing at Old Glory.

 ...and how much Dan hates being at Old Glory.

I've used some Old Glory photos for work.

This one is Silver's Cadre photo.

And I just used this one for a facebook post

But back to the fun. Atmospheric Shots, as Jason would say. Some twosies.

(And example of that inverse relationship I was talking about before. This photo is blurry and bad, but that's how Chris was seeing the world at that point anyway.)

Group shots.

And photos of stuff.

As the guys would say, Old Glory is a Target Rich Environment. And I can't wait to meet Rich.

1 comment:

  1. is that Webb that Donnie is whispering sweet nothings to? They're too cute.....
