Sunday, December 8, 2013

New Family in Maryland

This is a picture of D's sister, her husband, and their wonderful family. 

One of the great parts about being engaged (besides being in love, our future together, and everyone telling us how great we are) is that our families have grown. Now I'm "Aunt Sophie" which is weird and moving and great. 
So when my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Shana, asked me to come take some family pictures, I was of course flattered and terrified. No pressure - except I had a feeling Shana would be pretty clear about the pictures she didn't like, and I was just hoping I'd get some that she did like. (Insert nightmares of me taking terrible pictures, she tells her brother she's just not sure if I "get it," wedding's off, I die alone surrounded by Pinterest boards labeled "Wedding dresses!!" and "Plans for the big day xoxoxo," muttering "April is the cruelest month.")

As you may have gathered pictures I've posted here, I'm not very experienced with posed pictures or directing anyone, especially three kids under the age of six. 

I think we definitely got some card-worthy pictures. Whew. Wedding still on.

But I'm especially happy with the "behind the scenes" (for lack of a better phrase) pictures that may not be on a card but to me show a family who loves each other a lot. 

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