Disclaimer: This post has a lot of photos. That's my fault. It's because I'm having a hard time feeling confident in representing the participants in this transgender fashion show my dear friend Kristen brought me along to. (She is not transgender. She is a reporter on our local news station, and she let me tag along when she covered the show. Not that you can't be both transgender and a news reporter.)
Due to my own ties with the SOF (Special Operations) community, both personal and professional, the person I feel the most duty to here is someone also named Kristin. Kristin Beck is transgender and a former SEAL.
Point being - the tremendous courage all the participants in the show displayed makes me feel the stakes are higher than usual for me, because the stakes are deeply tied in with the subjects' sense of self. Their aesthetic journey - granted, just one part of their journey - has not been an easy one. However, it's one worthy of knowing, I think.